Following the First Minister’s announcement on Tuesday, 16 June 2020, eligible school pupils are to receive free school meals during the summer break to help tackle food poverty. In Highland, P1-3 pupils entitled to school clothing grants and P4-S6 pupils who are eligible for free school meals have been receiving £15 per pupil, per week, which is paid fortnightly using a voucher system. Councillor John Finlayson, Chair of the Education Committee said: “I very much welcome the announcement by the First Minister which will enable the Council to continue provision of free school meals between the end of June and when the schools return in August. I am delighted that the Scottish Government has been able to provide such vital funding. He added, “Given the financial pressures facing the Council, this important income stream will help us to provide the much needed support for the most vulnerable families in our communities, particularly at a time when so many are juggling a drop in their inc...