STEM Clubs Week 22nd - 26th June 2020

Next week is STEM Clubs Week and the theme this year is sustainability. Each day they will cover a different area of sustainability; clean air, water and sanitation, sustainable energy, sustainable food, sustainable materials and construction.

Throughout the week there will be challenges, case studies, talks and webinars on topics ranging from climate science and extreme engineering to environmental sustainability and resilience.

I've added the week's timetable of events in case you'd like to do something a bit different this week and get involved in some of the activities here. Send us photos of any of the activities you do!

You'll see from the timetable that if you go to their YouTube channel (link below) they will set each day's activity between 10 - 10.30am. There are also lots of careers talks (coloured green in the timetable).

Try some things out and enjoy!

Miss E Oates
Technology Teacher

The YouTube channel is HERE and the timetable is HERE.


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