
Children in Scotland - FREE webinars for parents and carers

Children in Scotland We are a national charity working to improve children’s lives. One of our key priorities is to strengthen the children's sector workforce across Scotland. We do this by providing around 200 learning events annually, attended by 5,000+ people. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we're working hard to bring as many of these as possible online, because we understand that your training needs are not diminished by the restrictions introduced as a result of the pandemic. Now more than ever, it's vital that you're able to learn, connect with others and share your own experiences. We would really appreciate you sharing this page as we try to reach and support as many of you as possible, and we welcome any suggestions or volunteers to lead future events.

From Scotland’s Young People - Newsletter/Circular

The Scottish Youth Parliament would like your views to inform their 2021-26 Manifesto 'From Scotland's Young People'. As the democratically elected voice of Scotland's young people, the issues SYP focus and take action on come directly from the concerns raised by 12-25 years olds across the country. In this survey, you people will be asked for your opinion on a range of statements, covering topics such climate change, when the school day should start and how the Scottish Government should protect your futures in the aftermath of COVID-19. By sharing your views in this consultation, you will directly shape SYPs work over the next five years as well as help them inform Scotland’s political parties on what changes young people would like to see in the next Scottish Parliamentary term. The survey is open to all young people aged 12-25, who live in Scotland, and will close on 19th September 2020. This manifesto is SYP’s biggest consultation - make sure voice is included! Ple

STEM Clubs Week 22nd - 26th June 2020

Next week is STEM Clubs Week and the theme this year is sustainability. Each day they will cover a different area of sustainability; clean air, water and sanitation, sustainable energy, sustainable food, sustainable materials and construction. Throughout the week there will be challenges, case studies, talks and webinars on topics ranging from climate science and extreme engineering to environmental sustainability and resilience. I've added the week's timetable of events in case you'd like to do something a bit different this week and get involved in some of the activities here. Send us photos of any of the activities you do! You'll see from the timetable that if you go to their YouTube channel (link below) they will set each day's activity between 10 - 10.30am. There are also lots of careers talks (coloured green in the timetable). Try some things out and enjoy! Miss E Oates Technology Teacher The YouTube channel is  HERE  and the timetable is  HERE .

Highland School Calendar 2020/21 & 2021/22 - downloaded 17th June 2020. Please note dates are subject to change.

Green - School Holidays / Yellow In-service days / White - School days

Highland pupils to receive free school meals during summer holidays

Following the First Minister’s announcement on Tuesday, 16 June 2020, eligible school pupils are to receive free school meals during the summer break to help tackle food poverty. In Highland, P1-3 pupils entitled to school clothing grants and P4-S6 pupils who are eligible for free school meals have been receiving £15 per pupil, per week, which is paid fortnightly using a voucher system. Councillor John Finlayson, Chair of the Education Committee said: “I very much welcome the announcement by the First Minister which will enable the Council to continue provision of free school meals between the end of June and when the schools return in August. I am delighted that the Scottish Government has been able to provide such vital funding. He added, “Given the financial pressures facing the Council, this important income stream will help us to provide the much needed support for the most vulnerable families in our communities, particularly at a time when so many are juggling a drop in their inc

Update from Nicky Grant, Head of Education at Highland Council

Please find attached a letter from Nicky Grant, Head of Education at Highland Council HERE

Parent/Carer Letter 16th June 2020

Dear Parent/Carer I hope this finds you all safe and well.  As we proceed towards the end of the summer term, I wanted to update and thank you for your continued support and engagement. Please click HERE . Thank you and please take care of yourselves and each other. Mr Adamson Head Teacher