Dear Parent/Carer

As you will probably know Deputy First Minister John Swinney announced, on Tuesday 11 August, a change to the way that Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) results would be decided.

In some cases, the moderation process carried out by the SQA meant that candidates got a lower grade than their teacher had estimated. This will have affected some candidates in one or more of their results, though some candidates were not affected at all.

The new arrangement announced on Tuesday means that all candidates who had their grades reduced by the SQA moderation process will now receive the grades that their teachers estimated. Once SQA has processed all of these changes, new certificates will be sent out to candidates. This will take some time and we do not yet have a date by which all certificates will have been delivered.

Please note that the changes will only affect some candidates who sat National 5 Higher and Advanced Higher courses. National 2, 3 and 4 courses and unit passes are not affected at all.

It is important that candidates find out as quickly as possible if any of their results will be upgraded, and we will contact all candidates in writing to let them know. We will do this as quickly as we can. Our approach in doing this is the same as all other schools in the Highland Council area.

Thank you for your patience while we deal with these upgrades. Guidance staff will be available in the usual way to support young people, of course, with decisions about their future.

Yours sincerely

Mr I Adamson
Head Teacher


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